Tectonic & Iteration

The project joint areas of investigation are Tectonics –understood as architecture’s material anatomy and its effects and performance largely consisting of technical, technological and cultural environmental dimensions. It focuses predominantly on the building envelope –particularly on its forms of articulation and means of producing apertures. The articulation
of architecture’s outermost surface will be understood through the logics of panelization, material and pattern. Apertures will be understood through the logics of openings or fenestration, glazing, and enclosure. These combined constitute the economies and aesthetics of how architecture produces interior/exterior relations and affective qualities; embodies
a crucial environmental role; etc.

Instructor: Ramiro Diaz-Granad & Maxi Spina
Collaboration with Andrea Sanchez, Mitch Bennett, Luciano Menghini

Precedent Study - Kunsthaus Graz

The building sets up the urban context and circulation to connect the city. The building employees a complex envelop system to have a interactive amenity and enhances the fluid quality of the form.


Precedent Tectonic Transformation

In the particular case of this transformation, the envelop system is layered with mesh, aluminum and stainless steel panel. The multiple material textures and sub system significantly alter the original case study.

Precedent Study-Kunsthaus Graz

Precedent Study-Kunsthaus Graz

Proposed Transformation Alternative

Proposed Transformation Alternative

Precedent Detail

Precedent Detail

Transformed Detail-Roof Nozzle

Transformed Detail-Roof Nozzle

1A-4B Gateaway Portfolio[3]171.jpg
1A-4B Gateaway Portfolio[3]179.jpg